Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I fought the commissary!

And I won! hehe! Actually, it wasn't too bad today since we got there shortly after it opened and payday isn't technically til tomorrow. I got us some food and felt good until we went to pay. When did groceries get so freakin' expensive? I about choked as I forked over our debit card to the cashier. So even though I won the battle of the lanes, they still won the battle of the money.

We got a great new diaper in the mail today. My friend Kim stalked it for me while I was in New Orleans. It's the coolest crossword puzzle print. I also got some (gasp) diaper pins for Caleb's new diapers. I sold 1/2 of his Mutts and have used that money to get some new night time diapers for him. They are prefitteds so you have to snappi or pin them. I tell ya though, my boy wakes up DRY to the touch in these diapers where as the others he always soaked through them. We love them! For those wondering, they are Bagshot Row Bamboo (bsrb) One Size Overnights. Great WAHM, great customer service, great diapers.

And get this, Caleb took a 2 1/2 hour nap today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! He never does that. I got so much done. Cleaned the refrigerator, gave Cora a lengthy flea bath, brushed her, vacuumed the floor, read with Angelina, set up a finger painting station for Addison, did some laundry. Wow!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hey girl! Great blog, I'd love to keep up with your awesome family. You rock using cloth diapers! Come visit my blog sometime :) I'll be back for sure.