Friday, December 5, 2008

Not much going on here

Just a quick little note. I've been busy holiday shopping and am so glad to be DONE with it. With the exception of the kids' "big" gifts that they'll get on Daddy's surprise visit home in January. The girls are getting L- a bike and A- a scooter. Caleb, I have no clue! Maybe a toddler swingset or something.

Addie goes for her speech therapy evals on Monday. I spoke with the therapist a few days ago and she seems wonderfully nice. With what I told her over the phone, it seemed like she feels Addie will need some help. Of course Addison just gets super excited when I mention that we are going to the building called School. She's so ready to start.

Lina went for an eval with an orthodontist the other week. She needs to get 3 teeth pulled, which we are doing on Dec 9 and then we wait 6 months to let her teeth straighten as much as possible on their own. For being as big mouthed as she is (wink wink) she has a tiny mouth and her teeth are very overcrowded. Dr. H also recommended having an upper expander put in and partial braces with rubberbands to help her jaw grow a little bigger. Anyone know of any good dental insurance that covers orthodontics? Ours gives us a $1500 lump sum and the rest is up to us. OY! We won't start any of this until we are moved to where ever it is the Army sends us next, just so that Lina can be familiar and comfy with the Dr doing all the work.

Caleb is doing good. He is walking all over now. Still can't get up from the middle of the floor so there's still a good bit of crawling. I'd say it's about 50/50 now. He's got a ton of attitude and is very feisty. We'll have our hands full with him for sure. He definitely knows what he likes, doesn't like, wants, and doesn't.

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